"He has rescued us completely from the tyrannical rule of darkness and has translated us into the kingdom realm of his beloved Son." (Col 1:13).
The Christian life begins right here. He was first under the government of the tyrant king called the devil. He was ruled by the power of darkness, but then through the gospel Christ swooped in and rescued him from that terrible kingdom. He is then brought into another kingdom and another government — a rich kingdom and a government full of grace. He is called a believer because his access and existence in this new kingdom realm is based on how much he believes in it.
He would only have access to as much as he believes. That means that the more he believes the more he is able to experience this kingdom and it riches. As such his initial faith needs to be developed until it is able to encompass the fullness of the kingdom. This is a test, it will prove how much he wants the kingdom. If his desire for this kingdom is great then he would believe all the way. But if his heart is divided then he would believe half way.
"the kingdom of heaven suffers violence, and the violent take it by force." (Matt 11:12).
When one believes with all of his heart he becomes violent (passionate). He thinks about the kingdom all the time. He studies and meditate about it. He wants to know all that is available to him in the kingdom. In fact, he wants to know everything about the kingdom. He would often fantasize about the kingdom, imagining all the reality of the kingdom and how life in the kingdom would be like.
He would imagine how it feels to be seated on the throne in Christ; how it feels to be incapable of sinning, how it feels to live above sickness, how it feels to have a Father who anticipates all your needs and provides for it even before you ask. The Christian knows that these things are not futuristic, for he is now already in the kingdom. He is in this reality where all these things are. As such he believes that his current situation and circumstances will begin to fade and give way for the reality of the kingdom.
They say when two power clashes, the lesser will give way for the greater. The Christian has opened the gates of his heart to a greater reality, and as he focuses on this greater reality it begins to gradually sweep into his life, bringing everything into conformity to the reality in Christ. Yes, the more the Christian meditate, contemplate, fantasize, imagine, celebrate, anticipate and demand the reality of the kingdom, the more this reality comes into his life, conquering the reality of the rule of darkness and establishing itself in visible manifestation.
Even though at the moment the Christian still see the rule of death and darkness all over his life, he laughs. Oh yes, he laughs, for he has seen something greater — a reality so great and mighty that every other thing bow to it. They cannot help but bow. Nothing can stop the advancement of this mighty reality, nothing is strong or powerful enough to resist the manifestation of this reality. Oh it moves with such great power, bringing all things to conformity, and all the Christian needs to do is surrender to its greatness.
He beholds the reality of the kingdom and he is in awe of its greatness. He is lost in the gaze of it, and he cannot help but surrender to its mighty advancement. Sinfulness will bow, every addiction will bow, every moral flaw will bow, pain will bow, depression will bow, poverty will bow, hates, envy, jealousy, and every other thing that belong to darkness will bow. Nothing is powerful enough to resist, they will be swept away by the mighty advancement of the kingdom of God in the life of the Christian.
Oh, the Christian is so excited about the kingdom that he gravitate towards anyone who is also a fantastic of the kingdom. They form their little fan club, obsessed about the riches of the kingdom and pressing in to be caught up in the life of the kingdom. Yes, they become caught up in their lives as kings in the kingdom, ruling from the throne and releasing the power of the kingdom as it continues to advance on earth through them. They become conductors of the kingdom reality. Everything they touch becomes enveloped by the reality of the kingdom. Oh, it excites them whenever they see this happen.
They love to see the kingdom advance; they love to see death and darkness overtakened by the kingdom reality. They so much enjoy it that they begin to pursue this also. They want to see everything around them enveloped by the reality of the kingdom. They would meet regularly to talk about the kingdom and its advancement. They join hands together to see to it that everything around them (including the whole of their locality) becomes overturned by the kingdom reality.
They are kings of the kingdom, they are horns set before this advancing kingdom — horns that collides with everything in its path, forcefully bringing them under the power and reign of the kingdom. They cannot be stopped, they are so caught up in this activity. For this is their joy, this is their pleasure, their enjoyment, their occupation, their happiness and fulfillment — their reason for living. They so enjoy this that they forget to take breaks. They continue to advance with the Kingdom, and with each advancement they are growing, learning, maturing unto the fullness of God.
What Is Christianity (Part 1): From The First
What Is Christianity (Part 2): Kingdom, City and a Bride
What Is Christianity (Part 3): Man's Perception Of Religion
What Is Christianity (Part 4): The People Of Israel
What Is Christianity (Part 5): The Origin Of Worship Service
What Is Christianity (Part 6): Towards A New Structure
What Is Christianity (Part 7): Ecclesia In Each Locality
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