Tuesday, 5 January 2021

What Is Christianity (Part 1): From The First

We cannot truly practice Christianity until we understand what it is. Why did God give us this thing? What is it even about? Did God woke up one day and say, "Hey, all this billion and trillions of angels worshipping me is not enough. I will give man a religious that would cause them to worship me till they die and come join with the angels in heaven in worshipping me"? Is this all about satisfying God's craving to be worshiped and adored?

Is God this egoistic being that is so full of himself and constantly craving for attention, worship and adoration? We need to think again. Look at Jesus who is the revelation of God. How much attention did he look for, and how much worship did he demand while he walked the earth? Yes, he never did. He never looked for attention. When he started his ministry he would ask those that he healed to keep quiet and not announce him. He tried not to draw too much attention to himself.

He would constantly offend the importance people of his days. Jesus never demanded or ask anyone to worship him. That's not what he is after, and this reveals that this is not what God is after either. So what did we see Jesus doing while on earth? He was declaring the Kingdom. Yes, he was declaring the Kingdom both in words and actions.

"And I heard a loud voice from heaven saying, “Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and He will dwell with them, and they shall be His people. God Himself will be with them and be their God. And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes; there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying. There shall be no more pain, for the former things have passed away.”" (Rev 21:3-4).

The Kingdom of God is God dwelling with man. It is a realm where there is no more pain, suffering, sorrow, crying, and sickness. This is what Jesus was trying to declare each time he healed the sick. He was trying to say, "look, there is a reality where all the sick are healed and all tears are wipe away". The Bible tells us that Jesus went about and "healed all who were sick" (Matt 8:16). This is a statement. 

Every sick was healed, not a single disease or demon possession was permitted. This speaks of a reality where these things no longer exist. Jesus revealed to us that what God is concerned about is his Kingdom. He is not look for more people to worship him like some egoistic maniac would prefer. He just wants to be with man and have man legislate his Kingdom on earth. This truth can be seen right from the beginning. 

Look at how God would often come to the garden of Eden to spend time with Adam. Look at how he told man to have dominion and govern the earth. And why did he ask Adam to name all the animals and whatever name he gives them will forever be their name? Why was he constantly relegating power to this man and giving him an opportunity to rule rather than demand worship from Adam? Can't you see? It was never really about worship but government and love. 

He just wants to be with man, to love man and have him love Him back. And he wants to watch man rule and govern in his Kingdom. This has been his desire right from the beginning. When men think about God they often project himself and assume God is like them. We think God is as needy as we are. We think he is constantly craving for attention and worship. So men try to bribe God with worship in order to manipulate him for their selfish needs. This is what underlines every religion on earth. They are all about appeasing God, bribing him, and manipulating him. We've missed it. God is not needy, he is complete in himself. 

"The true God is the Creator of all things. He is the owner and Lord of the heavenly realm and the earthly realm, and he doesn’t live in man-made temples. He supplies life and breath and all things to every living being. He doesn’t lack a thing that we mortals could supply for him, for he has all things and everything he needs." (Acts 17:25-26).

He needs nothing from us. He is not constantly angry and in need to be appeased with our sacrifices, worship, holiness, good works, etc. God is love, he is joy, peace and righteousness. He is everything he needs, he is complete already and needs nothing else. God only desire to love, and he has chosen man as the main object of him love. He planned to make a bride out of man and rule all of Creation side by side with his Queen. This is what he is after, and this what Jesus tried to reveal while he was on earth. 

Why else would Jesus give his disciples power to cast out demons and command sickness with the same authority that he has? Why share his dominion with those who are intimate with him? Can't you see? It's all there, it has always been about this. Look again at what Jesus said to his disciples, "I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it. And I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven." (Matt 16;18-19).

This was the first time the word "church" appeared in the entire Bible (using King James Version). And it speaks of wielding the key of the Kingdom of heaven, commanding such power that all of heaven begins to obey what you do on earth. If this is what church is really about, why then have we been so consume with all this ceremonies that has nothing to do with wielding the key of Heaven's Kingdom and commanding authority on earth?

This post is part of the series. Below is are links to the rest of the series:

What Is Christianity (Part 2): Kingdom, City and a Bride

What Is Christianity (Part 3): Man's Perception Of Religion

What Is Christianity (Part 4): The People Of Israel

What Is Christianity (Part 5): The Origin Of Worship Service

What Is Christianity (Part 6): Towards A New Structure

What Is Christianity (Part 7): Ecclesia In Each Locality

What Is Christianity (Part 8): The Christian Life

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