Thursday, 8 October 2020

The Pastoral Office (6); Was Timothy The Bishop

One of the fundamental characteristics of an ecclesia is independence. You cannot practice democracy unless you are independent. Democracy is a concept only for independent entities. Before the colonial masters came most Igbo communities of Nigeria were practicing direct democracy. But when the colonial master came they discovered it is impossible to rule a people under democracy. Democracy is all about power being in the hands of the people. You cannot enforce your government on a people unless you take the power from their hands. So the colonial British had to disband the democratic system and installed Eze (kings) in each Igbo community. Then they ruled the communities through those Eze who were puppet kings. 

It is not possible for Timothy to be their bishop without disbanding the democratic system of the ecclesia. And the moment he does that then they are no longer an ecclesia. An ecclesia without democracy is not an ecclesia any more. So Timothy would have to destroy the ecclesia that Jesus said he would build (Matt 16:18-19) if he was to be there bishop. It is totally absurd to claim Timothy was their Bishop, there are no bases for such claim. You won't find any bases in the scripture, and you won't find any bases in the very ideology behind the ecclesia system. 

Ecclesia can only exist as independent groups, governing themselves. They cannot be under anybody. They have their own government, they rule themselves, that is the whole idea of an ecclesia. The idea of one church being under another church, and having a headquarter, that is not Christian assembly/community. Or that one man is governing several churches, like some kind of business enterprise. That is just people's ministry, it is not Christian assembly, neither is it the ecclesia that Jesus said he would build. Ecclesias are independent groups, governing themselves by themselves. It doesn't matter if you were the one that planted the ecclesia, you have no right over its government. 

British were the ones who brought the difference communities in the Niger area together and made them a nation. They gave the nation the name "Nigeria". If Nigeria was to be a Christian community, you will say the British were the founder and the G.O. But the moment Nigeria gain independence and got a democratic government, British no longer have right in the government of the people. Yes, from time to time, Nigeria can request aid from British or America or any other nation, but that does not mean Nigeria is under such nation. 

Just because American soldiers came to aid Nigeria in the fight against Boko Haram, doesn't mean that America governs Nigeria. So also, just because Timothy came to handle certain things in the ecclesia of Ephesus doesn't mean that Timothy is their overseer. Aid does not equal government. And you do not automatically become someone's lord just because you help them. Christ is the only Lord and head in an ecclesia. Pastors are not the head, there is nothing like "head pastor". Rather their are several pastors in an ecclesia, forming the central executive that is answerable to the general executive which constitute the whole members of the ecclesia.

This post is part of a series. Below are links to the other posts in the series. 

The Pastoral Office (1); Organic Process

The Pastoral Office (2); Elder, Bishop, Pastor

The Pastoral Office (3); Church Vs Ecclesia

The Pastoral Office (4); Comparing The Practices In Different Centuries 

The Pastoral Office (5); The Apostolic Workers

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